Posted February 05, 2010
I’ve been working on a social learning site based on Drupal for the past two years as a student at Brigham Young University and am now working towards readying it for its maiden release into the world as a full-fledged Drupal install profile.
My goal with Eduglu is to:
a) Provide a superb out-of-the-box social learning engine to help departments, clubs, classrooms, and other campus groups communicate, collaborate, and learn with one another.
b) Support a social learning platform which individual universities and Drupal shops can integrate with existing tools and services and use to build custom tools supporting specific learning practices.
Or in simpler terms, Eduglu = robust social learning engine + pluggable educational tools.
For Drupalers, Eduglu is built on the same stack of modules as Open Atrium; Organic Groups, Spaces, Context, and Features.
I’m also working to start a company to provide commercial support and hosting for Eduglu.
But we’re not there yet. My plan is to make the first beta release by Drupalcon where I’ll be presenting more about Eduglu. But to be ready by then, I need alpha testers. If you’re interested in becoming an alpha tester, please contact me. I’ll be preparing an initial release over the next couple of weeks.
Also, if you do Drupal consulting in higher education, I’d love to work with you. Please contact me and let’s discuss how we can work together.
Lastly, if you’re an educator working in higher ed, I’d love to talk to you as well. Especially people working at online or virtual colleges and community colleges. If there’s an educational tool you’ve dreamed of having — or tried building and failed — contact me and tell me about it and I might just build it for you.
And if you’re not in one of the above three groups but know someone who is — please connect me with those people.
I’ll be doing a bit of travel in a couple of weeks. I’ll be in Boston February 17th-20th, New York February 22-23 and Washington DC on the 24th-25th. If you’re in one of those cities and want to meet and talk Drupal/higher education, let’s get in touch!
Thanks all! It’s going to be an exciting ride and I’m looking forward to it.
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Kyle Mathews lives and works in Seattle building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter. Currently exploring what's next and open to consulting.