Posted November 11, 2006
Updated my dapper installation on my laptop to Edgy a while ago. It went well. I jotted down my impressions and installation steps:
Firefox 2.0 is very cool - tab restore, search suggest/memory for google, individual tab delete. Seems to have eliminated memory leak — used to be that after a few hours of using firefox memory usage would be over 250 MBs now (depending on how many tabs are open) is much less ~ 100 MBs
So I like it. As some have commented Edgy isn’t so edgy (Also a comment about the lack of ‘edginess’ from an Ubuntu developer). It seems the changes from Hoary to Dapper were more dramatic. Changes were mostly subtle, tweaks here and there, improvements to programs etc. Linux and Ubuntu are at a stage of maturity that dramatic improvement are hard to pull off. A math analogy, if you add 1 to 1 that is a 100% improvement. If you add 1 to 2 that is a 50% improvement. If you continue that on upward, adding 1 to 100 is only a 1% improvement. Linux is still making good progress just it is not as obvious now due to the substantial work already completed.
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Kyle Mathews lives and works in Seattle building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter. Currently exploring what's next and open to consulting.